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Diet Is Only One Factor Contributing To Brain Health

August 4, 2014: 12:00 AM EST
Lifestyle factors may be more important for brain health than specific food ingredients, a U.S. study has found. The data indicated that people who ate baked or broiled fish at least once a week had greater grey matter brain volumes in areas of the brain responsible for memory (4.3 percent) and cognition (14 percent) and were more likely to have a college education than those who didn't eat fish regularly. Whether the fish was rich in omega 3 fatty acids didn't seem to matter. The researchers concluded that they may have tapped into a general set of lifestyle factors affecting brain health, only one of which is diet.
Cyrus A. Raji et al., "Regular Fish Consumption and Age-Related Brain Gray Matter Loss. ", American Journal of Preventive Medicine, August 04, 2014, © American Journal of Preventive Medicine
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