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Enough Testing Already, People Need To Boost Their Blood Vitamin D Levels

August 21, 2014: 12:00 AM EST
Two anesthesiologists writing about a recent observational study say patients who are not deficient in vitamin D are less likely to suffer from complications after surgery. They argue that physicians needn’t wait any longer for evidence of the risk of being vitamin D deficient. There’s enough evidence accumulated – a “cornucopia of improved health outcomes” –  for physicians to advise patients to boost their vitamin D levels. While further testing of the impact of vitamin D supplements on surgical complications would be okay, they say, patients shouldn't wait for the results of clinical trials before taking "reasonable" steps to ensure adequate vitamin D levels.
Michael F Roizen & Jeffrey D. Roizen, "Vitamin D and Your Patients. ", Anesthesia & Analgesia, August 21, 2014, © International Anesthesia Research Society
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