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Taxing Sugary Drinks Has Best Chance Of Reducing Adolescent Obesity

August 27, 2014: 12:00 AM EST
Levying federal taxes on sugary drinks would help reduce adolescent obesity in the U.S. more than exercising or banning advertising, according to a study that applied simulation models to 12 years of anti-obesity research data. The significant revenue raised by such taxes could be applied to additional obesity prevention programs. Though more and more states are using laws and regulations to promote healthier eating and exercise, federal taxation would reach larger populations. After school physical activity programs would reduce obesity the most among children ages 6-12; an advertising ban would reduce obesity the least. An excise tax on sugary beverages would reduce obesity the most among adolescents ages 13-18.
Alyson H. Kristensen et al., "Reducing Childhood Obesity through U.S. Federal Policy. ", American Journal of Preventive Medicine, August 27, 2014, © American Journal of Preventive Medicine
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