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TV Food Ads Contribute To Dysfunctional Eating Patterns

August 27, 2014: 12:00 AM EST
A study based on two experiments found that TV ads featuring food increased the desire to eat among overweight female participants, but not among normal weight participants. In the first experiment, participants with normal BMI watched TV ads about food and non-food products, then recorded their desire to eat. Participants reported low desire to eat across the board. The second experiment had the same format, but involved overweight participants, who reported stronger desire to eat than those in their control group. The Australian researchers hope further study will lead to methods of helping dysfunctional eaters by training them to avoid food in response to food cues.
Eva Kemps et al., " Exposure to television food advertising primes food-related cognitions and triggers motivation to eat. ", Psychology & Health, August 27, 2014, © Taylor & Francis
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