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Type 2 Diabetics Who Lose Weight Also Reduce Healthcare Costs

August 21, 2014: 12:00 AM EST
U.S. researchers have put a price tag – more than $500 a year in healthcare savings – on weight loss among people with type 2 diabetes. In an evaluation of more than 5,000 obese and overweight adults (45 to 76 years old) who participated in an NIH-sponsored diabetes initiative, the researchers found that people involved in intensive lifestyle changes – dieting and exercise – that led to weight loss had 11 percent fewer hospitalizations,15 percent shorter hospital stays, and used fewer prescription drugs. These benefits translated to an average saving of $5,280 per person in healthcare costs over 10 years, or $528 a year.
Mark A. Espeland et al., "Impact of an Intensive Lifestyle Intervention on Use and Cost of Medical Services Among Overweight and Obese Adults With Type 2 Diabetes: The Action for Health in Diabetes. ", Diabetes Care, August 21, 2014, © American Diabetes Association
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