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USDA Says Nuts Can Be Processed To Make Them Less Allergenic

August 11, 2014: 12:00 AM EST
A USDA scientist says he and his colleagues are developing a technology to process cashews and other nuts that will render them safer for people with nut allergies to eat them. Current clinical trials are testing ways to help nut-allergic people avoid severe immune reactions. But the USDA plan is to come up with an “agricultural” solution to the problem. The basic idea is to modify proteins in tree nuts and peanuts (which are legumes) that trigger an immune response in people who are allergic. They have tested the safe compound sulfite, finding that it can effectively disrupt the structure of a couple of the cashew allergens.
Chris Mattison, "Making cashews safer for those with allergies", News release, American Chemical Society, August 11, 2014, © American Chemical Society
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